[Domterm-discuss] new atom-domterm repository and package

Per Bothner per at bothner.com
Sat Dec 9 12:54:01 PST 2017

I just created the atom-domterm package on GitHub:

This is a fairly simple embedding for the Atom editor (http//atom.io).
The basic emulator works pretty well, but there are some rough patches,
as noted in the README, mainly because I don't know Atom very well.

It's also worth noting the DomTerm itself is more-or-less ready
for a 1.0 designation.  There are lots of nice features, such as
draggable panes/tabs, detachable sessions, help output (in some cases)
printed as rich text, etc.
	--Per Bothner
per at bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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